Monday, August 18, 2008

SuperPhillip's Favorite VGMs - Where the Heck's That Last Golf Review?!

I've been particularly busy (as well as lazy with the blog) this past weekend. I announced a review for this Saturday, but plans got in the way. Thanks for everyone for their concern and sympathy towards this matter. Rest assured, the review will be here this week along with one or two others, so no worries! Now, let's get to five more VGMs, eh?


"A Longing to Ancient Times - PART I" is the theme of the very first area of Phantasy Star Online Episode II. It's set in a majestic and beautiful outdoor temple surrounded by water and clear skies.

Go! Go! Go, go, Mike!
Go! Go! Go, go, Mike!

This is the Super Smash Bros. Brawl version of the WarioWare: Touched! track, Mike's Song! This track was arranged by Masafumi Takada who is best known for his work on the Killer7 and No More Heroes soundtracks. Enjoy.

Original footage by UndergroundAirport.

Motoi Sakuraba is probably THE busiest composer in the game industry. Don't believe me? Take a look at his credits. Just amazing how he can churn out all of this good music for so many different games.

Regardless, here's one of his tracks, the battle theme from Eternal Sonata, "Leap the Precipice". It's quite, quite good. Hope you enjoy it as well.

This is another game (Xenosaga) that I have never played (the amount of cutscenes turned me off), but I could appreciate the soundtrack composed by none other than Yasunori Mitsuda of Chrono fame.

Star Fox Assault is honestly one of my favorite soundtracks period. I was blown away that Nintendo had the majority of tracks orchestrated as opposed to synthesized. This song is yet another battle theme (I guess I'm partial to those) of the final battle with the boss of the game.

Direct Link - Longing to Ancient Times - PART I
Direct Link - Mike's Song
Direct Link - Leap the Precipice
Direct Link - Last Battle
Direct Link - Queen Battle 2

That is all from my personal favorite VGMs, but you can always check out my Youtube channel for past as well as future blog editions! See you then!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Since your's and my blog are kinda similar... maybe you could incllude a link to my blog. And I'll do the same for yours... just thinking...

Anyways just get back to me.

Kyle, from World 1-1