SPC Highlights

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Disney Speedstorm (Season 6 - Under the Sea) Video Review

As the saying goes, "There's a first time for everything!" And in this case, the first time is a video review on the SuperPhillip Plays YouTube channel. Speaking of channels, we're certainly channeling the spirit of SuperPhillip Central with going down the well-tread review road. However, it's decidedly much more difficult and heavier work writing the review and attaching it to edited footage, recording voiceover, and all that jazz, most definitely!

Regardless, our first video review on the channel is that of Disney Speedstorm, which recently entered free-to-play status after exiting from Early Access. Season 6, the season focused on and featuring The Little Mermaid, is part of the review discussion, but this video review also touches on Speedstorm on a more general level, too. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you'll provide any feedback you feel is worthwhile and helpful, too!