SPC Highlights

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Review Round-Up - April

X starts a classic gaming empire in Mega Man X.

It's the end of April, so it's time to look back at the month that was review-wise. Once again at SuperPhillip Central we had four unique reviews, one of which was of the retro variety in Mega Man X (9.5). The second best game of the month was God of War: Ghost of Sparta (8.75), the spinoff title featuring Kratos' past. Okamiden (7.5) didn't impress that much while Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (7.0) was pretty disappointing in retrospect. Overall, April was a productive month for SPC.

Okamiden (DS) - 7.5
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) - 7.0
God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PSP) - 8.75
Mega Man X (SNES, VC) - 9.5

Inferior to the original Okami, Okamiden was still a fun romp.

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