SPC Highlights

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Happy Eight-Year Anniversary, SuperPhillip Central!

Eight years ago on this very day, I created a blog to post my game reviews that I wrote for GameFAQs. Fast forward to today, and my reviews are still be written, but no longer on GameFAQs; the site has seen two million total views, over 660 unique reviews, and a whole heaping ton of articles, editorials, lists, and more.

I want to thank each and every one of you for sticking with SuperPhillip Central over the years-- especially those who have been with me since the very beginning. There were a lot of growing pains over the years, especially during those first few years. Some of the content I wrote back then was just embarrassing!

It's my hope that I will continue providing content and writing for SuperPhillip Central until I'm no longer able to do so. It's a pleasure, a privilege, and a lot of fun to write for this site, and I'm very happy I have people who care enough about my thoughts to read what I have to say.

As a special bonus for this anniversary, I have some content in the making for everyone, but first, check out some mementos from SuperPhillip Central's past over the years.

The very first SuperPhillip Central banner-- though this is the winter version.

A look at SuperPhillip Central's design in December 2009.

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