April showers brings a lot of reviews to SuperPhillip Central. We started the month with two Klonoa games, and we finished off the month with a review of an overlooked gem in the making, The Munchables. Even though my illness stunted the activity of SPC partway through the month, I really tried to make up for it at the tale-end. Hopefully you can see that with the three new reviews this past week. Apparently I was unawaringly fond of the number eight this month as the majority of the reviews are in the 8-8.75 range. To make viewing the list easier, I divided the new and classic reviews into two groups. The classic being italicized. Classic reviews are simply reviews written before this blog existed. Let's round these reviews up then!
All scores are out of 10.
5 = Average
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (PS2) - 8.5
Klonoa (Wii) - 8.75
New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Wii) - 8.5
SPC Quickies: Volume One
Boom Blox Bash Party (Wii) - 8.5
Hammerin' Hero (PSP) - 7.5
The Munchables (Wii) - 8.5
DK Jungle Climber (DS) - 8.5
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii) - 6.0
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure - 8.0
DK King of Swing (GBA) - 8.0
Dewy's Adventure (Wii) - 7.25
Any games reviewed this month that jumped out at you? Perhaps a review changed your mind!
I still need to get Boom Blox Bash Party, Klonoa, and DK Jungle Beat.
Where'd all my money go to? (Oh yeah... car... right.)
I honestly and wholeheartedly recommend The Munchables. I got more play time out of that than Klonoa for the same price of $30.
You got me reinterested in Zack and Wiki, at least until I remembered how damn hard the game was.
But you should update your comments thing to include the ability to leave comments under a name/url.
Since I got my domain name I can't leave comments and have my name link to anything except my old Blogger account.
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