Monday, February 8, 2016

SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs - Pumped and Primed PlayStation Edition

After an atypical Friday edition, SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs probably didn't give you enough time to miss them. Still, they're back on this Monday evening for your listening pleasure. This week's edition is all PlayStation, all the time with five VGM volumes regarding PlayStation exclusive games.

We start out with some realism with Infamous: Second Son and God of War: Ascension. Then we end on a cartoon-y angle with music from Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, LocoRoco 2, and Puppeteer. It's a mix of music from PlayStation platforms that should satisfy any want.

If you want to listen to any VGM volume previously spotlighted on SuperPhillip Central, look no further than the VGM Database.

v1071. Infamous: Second Son (PS4) - Owning the Future

We begin this PlayStation installment of SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs with a series that hasn't been on the Favorite VGMs... until now. It's Infamous, and the game we're listening to a song from is the PlayStation 4's Second Son. While not the greatest the Infamous series or even Sucker Punch have to offer, the game was beautiful to behold and a blast to play.

v1072. God of War: Ascension (PS3) - Warrior's Truth

What's your opinion on the God of War franchise? Have you seen enough of Kratos and wish that Sony would take a different route with a new protagonist, or do you think Kratos is too iconic of a game character to replace? Whatever the case, you can bet with God of War you'll get a sensational and epic score, and that is no better exemplified than with Warrior's Truth from God of War: Ascension.

v1073. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2) - Veldin - Kyzil Plateau

Ratchet's home planet is the beginning to his adventure in the third Ratchet & Clank installment, Up Your Arsenal. The game had a more action-oriented tone to it, though it still possessed plenty of platforming charm for players to enjoy. David Bergeaud was the composer behind many early Ratchet & Clank soundtracks, and it's my honest opinion that the series' soundtracks didn't reach the same height as the earlier Bergeaud-composed scores.

v1074. LocoRoco 2 (PSP) - Etoule Pucoratte! (2)

Time to get goofy with this eccentric credits theme by the LocoRoco All-Stars. Whether they belong to the orange, green, red, blue, black, or whatever colored LocoRoco family, this song is a perfect wrap-up to the pure platforming goodness of LocoRoco's sequel.

v1075. Puppeteer (PS3) - Fire the Long Toms!

Ahoy there, mateys! This final song for this PlayStation-centric edition of SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs comes from Puppeteer, a game that didn't get its fair shake, as it released around the PlayStation 4's launch. Still, if you can mind the constant interruptions to gameplay via the charming story, you'll most likely dig this 2.5D platformer.

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